الشروط والأحكام

32 دقائق للقراءة

الشروط والاحكام

مقدّمة اتفاقية الاستخدام : موقع دروبشيب الالكتروني يرحّب بكم ، ويبلغكم بأنكم سوف تجدون أدناه الشروط والأحكام المُنظّمة لاستخدامكم لهذا الموقع وكافة الآثار القانونية التي تنتج عن استخدامكم لخدمات الموقع عبر الشبكة العنكبوتية عبر هذه المنصة الالكترونية، حيث أن استخدام أي شخصٍ كان لـموقع دروبشيب فإن هذا موافقة وقبول منه وهو بكامل أهليته المعتبرة شرعاً ونظاماً وقانوناً لكافة مواد وأحكام هذه الاتفاقية وهو تأكيد لالتزامكم بأنظمتها ولما ذُكر فيها، وتسري هذه الاتفاقية على جميع أنواع التعامل بين المستخدم وبين الموقع.

وتعتبر هذه الاتفاقية سارية المفعول ونافذة بمجرد قيامكم بالموافقة عليها والبدء في التسجيل بموقع دروبشيب بموجب المادة العاشرة من نظام التعاملات الإلكترونية السعودي.

المادة الأولى - المقدّمة والتعريفات: يعتبر التمهيد أعلاه جزءاً لا يتجزأ من هذه الاتفاقية، كما تجدون أدناه الدلالات والتعريفات للعبارات الرئيسية المستخدمة في هذه الاتفاقية:

(الموقع) ويقصَد بهذه العبارة موقع دروبشيب، حيث يشمل هذا التعريف كافة أشكال موقع دروبشيب على الشبكة العنكبوتية، سواءً كانت تطبيق إلكتروني، أو موقع الكتروني على الشبكة العنكبوتية.

(المستخدم) يقصَد بهذه العبارة كل مستهلك يقوم بشراء المنتج من الموقع عبر منصته الالكترونية.

(الاتفاقية) يقصَد بهذه العبارة شروط وأحكام هذه الاتفاقية، والتي تحكم وتنظّم العلاقة فيما بين أطراف هذه الاتفاقية.

المادة الثانية - أهلية المستخدم القانونية:

يقر المستخدم بأنه ذا أهلية قانونية معتبرة شرعاً ونظاماً للتعامل مع الموقع، أو أن عمره لا يقل عن ثمانية عشرة عاماً.

يوافق المستخدم بأنه في حال مخالفته لهذه المادة، فإنه يتحمّل تبعات هذه المخالفة أمام الغير.

المادة الثالثة - طبيعة التزام موقع دروبشيب:

إن التزام موقع دروبشيب تجاه المستهلكين أو المستخدمين هو توفير (الخدمة أو المنتج).

المادة الرابعة - ضوابط استخدام موقع دروبشيب:

يلتزم المستخدم باستخدام المنصة الالكترونية الخاصة بـ موقع دروبشيب بما يتّفق مع الآداب العامة والأنظمة المعمول بها في المملكة العربية السعودية.

يلتزم المستخدم عند شرائه لخدمة أو منتج موقع دروبشيب ألا يستخدم هذه الخدمة أو المنتج بما يخالف الآداب العامة والأنظمة المعمول بها في المملكة العربية السعودية.

المادة الخامسة - الحسابات والتزامات التسجيل: فور التقدم بطلب الانضمام إلى عضوية موقع دروبشيب كمستخدم تكون ملتزماً بالإفصاح عن معلومات محددة واختيار اسم مستخدم وكلمة مرور سرية لاستعمالها عند الولوج لخدمات موقع دروبشيب. وبذلك تكون قد وافقت على:

أن تكون مسؤولاً عن المحافظة على سرية معلومات حسابك وسرية كلمة المرور، وتكون بذلك موافقاً على إعلام موقع دروبشيب حالاً بأي استخدام غير مفوض به لمعلومات حسابك لدى موقع دروبشيب أو أي اختراق آخر لمعلوماتك السرية.

لن يكون موقع دروبشيب بأي حال من الأحوال مسؤولًة عن أي خسارة قد تلحق بك بشكل مباشر أو غير مباشر معنويا أو ماديا نتيجة كشف معلومات اسم المستخدم أو كلمة الدخول.

أنت تلتزم باستخدام حسابك أو عضويتك لدى موقع دروبشيب بنفسك، حيث أنك مسؤولاً عنه مسؤولية كاملة، وفي حال استخدام غيرك له فهذه قرينة على أنك قد فوّضته باستخدام الموقع باسمك ولحسابك.

أنت تلتزم عند استخدام موقع دروبشيب أن تستخدمها بكل جدية ومصداقية.

أنت تلتزم بالإفصاح عن معلومات حقيقية وصحيحة ومحدثة وكاملة وقانونية عن نفسك حسبما هو مطلوب أثناء التسجيل لدى موقع دروبشيب وتلتزم بتحديث بياناتك في تغييرها في الواقع أو في حال الحاجة إلى ذلك.

إن موقع دروبشيب يلتزم بالتعامل مع معلوماتك الشخصية وعناوين الاتصال بك بسريّة تامة.

إذا تبيّن لـ موقع دروبشيب بأنك أفصحت عن معلومات غير حقيقية أو غير صحيحة أو غير راهنة أو غير كاملة أو غير قانونية او مخالفة لما جاء في اتفاقية الاستخدام، فإن موقع دروبشيب يمتلك الحق في وقف أو تجميد أو إلغاء عضويتك أو متجرك وحسابك في المنصة، وذلك دون إلحاق الأضرار بحقوق موقع دروبشيب الأخرى ووسائلها المشروعة في استرداد حقوقها وحماية باقي المستخدمين.

في حالة عدم الالتزام بأي مما ورد أعلاه فإن لإدارة موقع دروبشيب الحق في إيقاف أو إلغاء متجرك أو عضويتك أو حجبك من الولوج لخدمات موقع دروبشيب مرة أخرى.

المادة السادسة - الاتصالات الإلكترونية ووسائل التواصل الرسمية:

يوافق أطراف هذه الاتفاقية على أن التواصل يتم عبر البريد الإلكتروني المسجّل في المنصّة.

يوافق المستخدم على أن جميع الاتفاقيات والإعلانات والبيانات والاتصالات الأخرى التي تزود بها الكترونياً تقوم مقام مثيلاتها المكتوبة، وهي حجة قائمة بذاتها، في تلبية الاحتياجات النظامية والشرعية.

يوافق المستخدم على إمكانية التواصل معه وتبليغه بأي أحكام تخص هذه الاتفاقية أو تخص التعامل معه من خلال قيام إدارة موقع دروبشيب ببث رسائل عامة ترد إلى كافة المستخدمين أو إلى مستخدمين محددين لـ موقع دروبشيب.

المادة السابعة - التعديلات على اتفاقية الاستخدام والرسوم:

إن موقع دروبشيب قد يقوم بإعلامك عن أي تعديل على هذه الاتفاقية وفقاً لوسائل التواصل الرسمية بموجب هذه الاتفاقية، وبموجبه تتضاعف التزاماتك أو تتضاءل حقوقك وفقاً لأي تعديلات قد تجرى على هذه الاتفاقية.

في حال الإعتراض على أي تعديل على اتفاقية الاستخدام يأمل منكم موقع دروبشيب التوقف عن استخدام خدماته حيث أن مجرد ولوجكم إلى حسابكم في موقع دروبشيب أو استخدامكم لـموقع دروبشيب يُعد قبولًا منكم للتعديلات وموافقة كاملة تامة نافية للجهالة، ويقبل موقع دروبشيب المناقشة في أي اقتراح بشأن هذه الأحكام.

كافة الرسوم تحتسب بالريال السعودي، وعلى المستخدم دفع كافة الرسوم المستحقة مضافاً إليها أي نفقات أخرى يضيفها موقع دروبشيب، على أن يتم السداد بواسطة الوسائل المعتمدة والمحددة والمتاحة عن طريق موقع دروبشيب.

قد يفرض موقع دروبشيب رسومًا على بعض المستخدمين وذلك يعتمد على العروض أو المنتجات أو الخدمات التي يطلبونها أو ما تفرضه الدولة من رسوم أو ضرائب على طبيعة المنتج أو الخدمة.

يحتفظ موقع دروبشيب بحقه في إضافة أو زيادة أو خفض أو خصم أي رسوم أو نفقات بموجب مواد وبنود وأحكام اتفاقية الاستخدام، على أي من المستخدمين أي كان سبب تسجيلهم.

المادة الثامنة - خدمات الدفع والسداد للمتاجر في موقع دروبشيب:

يوفّر موقع دروبشيب عبر شركائه نظام الدفع والسداد في موقع دروبشيب فيمكن أن يتم عبر الانترنت كليا من خلال خيارات الدفع المتوفرة على موقع دروبشيب أو من خلال أي طريقة دفع يوفرها موقع دروبشيب من حين لآخر.

يلتزم موقع دروبشيب بتحديد سعر الخدمة أو المنتج الذي يقوم بعرضه في متجره وفقاً للقيمة السوقية المتعارف عليها.

يلتزم موقع دروبشيب بتوفير فواتير وسندات قبض وسندات استلام لجميع المبالغ والأرباح التي تنشأ في متجره، ويلتزم بأن يعطي المستخدم فاتورة شرائه لخدمة أو منتج (اسم الموقع). 4. يلتزم موقع دروبشيب بتوفير المواصفات المحاسبية المتعارف عليها في متجره الالكتروني، تطبيقاً لأحكام هذه الاتفاقية، ولما في هذا التنظيم من مصالح قانونية واقتصادية وتجارية وتنظيمية.

المادة التاسعة - معلوماتك الشخصية ومعلومات تفاصيل العمليات:

يقر المستخدم بأنه يمنح موقع دروبشيب حقاً غير محدود وعالمي ودائم وغير قابل للإلغاء ومعفي من المصاريف ومرخص باستخدام معلومات أو مواد شخصية أو غير ذلك مما وفرتها أو زودت بها موقع دروبشيب أو أعلنتها من خلال انضمامك إليه أو استخدامك له، وذلك عبر النماذج المخصصة للتواصل والتسجيل، أو عبر أية رسالة إلكترونية أو أي من قنوات الاتصال المتاحة بالمنصة. وذلك بهدف تحقيق أي من المصالح التي تراها المنصة.

تخضع أحكام سرية المعلومات الخاصة بالمستهلكين لقواعد "سياسة الخصوصية وسرية المعلومات" الخاصة بـموقع دروبشيب، ولما ورد في هذه الاتفاقية من أحكام متعلّقة بسرية المعلومات.

المادة العاشرة - الملكية الفكرية:

إن حقوق الملكية الفكرية الخاصة بـموقع دروبشيب هي حقوق مملوكة لـ موقع دروبشيب ملكية تامة، سواءً كانت مملوكة لهم قبل تأسيس هذه المنصة الالكترونية أم بعد تأسيسها.

يحترم المستخدم أو المستهلك حقوق الملكية الفكرية الخاصة بموقع دروبشيب، والتي من ضمنها موقع دروبشيب نفسه، والكلمات والشعارات والرموز الأخرى الخاصة بموقع دروبشيب أو المعروضة على موقع دروبشيب، حيث أن موقع دروبشيب، وكل حق يتبع بموقع دروبشيب، هي حقوق مملوكة ملكية فكرية كاملة لـ موقع دروبشيب.

المادة الحادية عشرة - مسؤولية موقع دروبشيب:

يلتزم موقع دروبشيب بأن يمارس عمله التجاري عبر هذه المنصة الالكترونية بشكل نظامي ووفقاً للأنظمة المعمول بها في المملكة العربية السعودية، ووفقاً لأحكام هذه الاتفاقية.

موقع دروبشيب لا يتحمل أي مطالبات تنشأ عن أخطاء أو إهمال، سواء كانت ناتجة بشكل مباشر أو غير مباشر أو عرضي أو عن طريق المستخدم أو عن طريق طرف ثالث مثل شركات الشحن.

يلتزم موقع دروبشيب ومنسوبيه ومُلّاكه ومن يمثّلهم بأن يكون (المنتج أو الخدمة) سليمة

وشرعية ومصرح به وفق قوانين وأنظمة المملكة العربية السعودية ويتم استخدامه لأغراض شرعية.

المادة الثانية عشرة - سرية المعلومات:

يتخذ موقع دروبشيب معايير (ملموسة وتنظيمية وتقنية) لحماية المستخدمين ومنع وصول شخص غير مفوض إلى معلومات المستخدمين الشخصية، وحفظها.

تقر كمستخدم بأن الشبكة العنكبوتية ليس وسيلة آمنة تماماً، وسرية معلوماتك الشخصية لا يمكن أن تكون مضمونة 100% عبر موقع دروبشيب.

موقع دروبشيب ليس له سيطرة على أفعال أي طرف ثالث، أو الغير، مثل صفحات الانترنت الأخرى الموصولة عن طريق روابط إلى المنصة أو أطراف ثالثة تدعي أنها تمثلك وتمثل آخرين.

أنت تعلم وتوافق على أن موقع دروبشيب قد يستخدم معلوماتك التي زودتها بها، بهدف تقديم الخدمات لك في موقع دروبشيب، ولإرسال رسائل تسويقية لك، وان الخصوصية في موقع دروبشيب تضبط عمليات الجمع والمعالجة والاستخدام والتحويل لمعلومات هويتك الشخصية، وتخضع قواعد سرية المعلومات لـ "سياسة الخصوصية وسرية المعلومات" الخاصة بموقع دروبشيب.

المادة الثالثة عشرة - تقييد الولوج أو العضوية: يمكن لـموقع دروبشيب وقف أو إلغاء عضوية المستخدم أو تقييد ولوج المستخدم إلى خدمات المنصة في أي وقت وبدون إنذار ولأي سبب، ودون تحديد.

المادة الرابعة عشرة - القانون أو النظام الواجب التطبيق: اتفاقية الاستخدام هذه محكومة ومصاغة بحسب القوانين والأنظمة والتشريعات المعمول بها والسارية في المملكة العربية السعودية، وهي خاضعة تمامًا وكليًا للأنظمة المعمول بها لدى السلطات في المملكة العربية السعودية.

المادة الخامسة عشرة - أحكام عامة: · في حال إلغاء أي مادة واردة أو بند ورد في اتفاقية الاستخدام هذه أو أن هناك أي مادة واردة أو أي بند وارد في اتفاقية الاستخدام لم يعد نافذًا، فإن مثل هذا الأمر لا يلغي صلاحية باقي المواد والبنود والأحكام الواردة في اتفاقية الاستخدام وتظل سارية حتى إشعار آخر من إدارة موقع دروبشيب. اتفاقية الاستخدام هذه والتي قد تعدل بين حين وآخر بحسب مقتضى الحال تُشكّل اتفاقية الاستخدام وآلية العمل والتفاهم والاتفاق والتعاقد بين موقع دروبشيب وبين المستخدم، كما يوافق كلا أطراف هذه الاتفاقية على أن يوضع في عين الاعتبار ما يلي:

إن اللغة العربية هي اللغة المعمول بها عند تفسير أحكام هذه الاتفاقية، أو عند ترجمتها إلى لغة أخرى.

إن جميع الأسعار المعروضة على خدمات أو منتجات موقع دروبشيب قد تعدّل بين حينٍ وآخر.

دروبشيب هو فقط أداة للربط التلقائي بين متجرك وبين منصة علي إكسبريس، بناءً على ذلك فإن دروبشيب لا يتحمل مسوؤلية أي أخطاء تنتج من منصة علي إكسبريس أو منصة المتجر المربوط بها.

دروبشيب لايقوم بإختيار أي منتج ولا أي طريقة أو شركة لشحن هذا المنتج إلى العميل، تقوم أنت التاجر بذلك، اختيارك للمنتجات وطريقة الشحن ومدته يحملك كافة المسؤوليات والمطالبات التي تنتج عنه لاحقا، أياً كانت.

دروبشيب لايضمن لك أي ربح أو دخل من خلال إستخدام المنصة، دروبشيب يقوم فقط بتوصية و إضافة مقالات ومعلومات تشرح الكيفية فقط لكن لاتضمن لك ذلك.

دروبشيب لايضمن لك وثوقية التعامل مع مورد معين أو طريقة أو شركة شحن معينة، دروبشيب يقوم فقط بتوصية و إضافة مقالات ومعلومات تشرح الكيفية فقط لكن لاتضمن لك ذلك.

إن العروض الترويجية أو التسويقية التي قد يضعها موقع دروبشيب هي عروض مؤقتة، حيث أنه لـ موقع دروبشيب الحق في تعديل هذه العروض الترويجية أو التسويقية في أي وقت أو إيقافها.

يلتزم أطراف هذه الاتفاقية بالتعامل فيما بينهم بما لا يخالف القواعد الشرعية والأنظمة والقوانين المعمول بها ذات العلاقة بطبيعة التعامل بين موقع دروبشيب والمستخدم.

لا تُلغى اتفاقية الاستخدام هذه إلا بموجب قرار يصدر من إدارة موقع دروبشيب.

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they may perform any actions available to you (unless as specifically stated otherwise on the Dropship

Services), make changes to your User Platform(s) and User Account, and accept any legal terms available

therein, make various representations and warranties and more – and all such activities will be deemed

to have occurred on your behalf and in your name.

Therefore, we strongly encourage you to keep the log-in credentials of your User Account confidential,

and allow such access only to people you trust – as you will be solely and fully responsible for all

activities that occur under your User Account and/or User Platforms (including for any representations,

warranties and undertakings made therein), whether or not specifically authorized by you, and for any

damages, expenses or losses that may result from such activities.

You must provide accurate and complete information when registering your User Account and using the

Dropship Services, to which you are the sole and exclusive rights holder. We strongly encourage you to

provide your own (or your company’s) contact and billing details, including your valid e-mail address, as

we may use it to identify and determine the actual and true owner of the User Account and/or User

Content (as defined below) submitted to us.

In case of a dispute on User Account ownership, we reserve the right to determine ownership to a User

Account based on our reasonable judgment, whether or not an independent investigation has been

conducted by us. However, if we cannot make such determination (as we may deem in our sole

discretion), we reserve the right to avoid doing so and/or suspend a User Account until the parties

disputing such ownership, reach a resolution, without liability to you or to any other party. We may

request documentation (e.g. government-issued ID, a business license) that may assist us in determining

ownership. Among others, we may consider the principles set forth below.

Instructions for use

Welcome to dropshipsa.com Terms of Use! We are really excited to have you with us. Thank you for

choosing to use our services.

We have listed below the important legal terms that apply to anyone visiting our site or using our

services. These Terms are necessary to protect both you and us, and to make our Services possible and

more enjoyable for all. Brothersshops offers a wide range of services and features and part of the terms

below may not be appropriate for the specific services you use.

We understand that reading the legal terms can be stressful, and we have tried to make the experience

more enjoyable. If you have any suggestions on how to improve it, you are welcome to contact us at

[email protected].

C.1.We present

Our services provide our users with the ability to easily create online store, digital and other platforms,

manage and promote business, content and ideas, and generally have a great experience to do so –

without being tech-savvy or design experts. As detailed below, we provide our users with many tools and

features to create, publish and use amazing websites, online e-commerce platforms, newsletters,

galleries, media players, mobile apps and other online and mobile applications, tools and services. The

websites and online and mobile platforms created by users are collectively referred to herein as (“User

Platform(s”) as any person’s use of the Dropship Platform, whether consumer, merchant or otherwise,

constitutes their consent and acceptance and is in their full capacity. considered legally, legally and

legally for all articles, terms and provisions of this agreement, and it is a confirmation of your

commitment to its regulations and what was mentioned in it, and we point out to you that the Dropship

platform may be a (website, application on mobile phones or an electronic platform) and this agreement

is considered valid and effective once you agree to it and start To register on the Dropship platform in

accordance with Articles Five and Ten of the Saudi Electronic Transactions System.

C.2. Account

a- You must be 18 years old or over or have reached the age of majority according to the laws and

regulations of the country from which you use the service.

B- (Agreement) by this phrase means the rules, terms and conditions of use of the Dropship electronic

platform, that is, all the terms and conditions of this agreement, which govern and regulate the

relationship between the parties to this agreement.

C- (Fothershop platform owned by the symbol seven for information technology) This term means the

Dropship platform and this definition includes all forms of the Dropship platform on the Internet,

whether it is an electronic application or a website on the Internet.

D- (Merchant) means every merchant who registers on the Dropship platform to create his online store,

whether he is a natural or legal person, and this definition includes all aspects of the store as long as he

does his trade through the Dropship platform, and this includes the merchant’s website.

C- (Store) by this term means the store used by the merchant on the Dropship electronic platform.

H- (Consumer) This term means every consumer who purchases the product or service from the

merchant, through the merchant’s online store, which he established through the Dropship platform.

C .3. Usage

Subscribing to Dropship services through the website or any other means requires agreeing to the

following terms of use. The Service provided by Dropship under the Terms of Use includes various

products and services that help you create and manage your e-business (the Service).

Any new features or tools added to the current service are also subject to the same terms.

Brothershops has the right to update and change the Terms of Use by posting updates and changes to

our website. You are also advised to visit the Website from time to time to view any update that may

affect you.

You must read and agree to all provisions of the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy before you become an

official Dropship user.

Please read the Terms of Use for the full picture of your legal requirements. Also, by using Dropship or

any of our services, you agree to these Terms. Be sure to check periodically for the latest updates.

Legal capacity

– The merchant declares that he is of sound capacity and that he is not affected by any of the symptoms

of eligibility.

– In the event that the merchant registers as an institution or company, or any other legal form, then this

institution, company or the legal form registered through it must have the legal, legal and legal capacity

necessary to carry out trade through the Dropship Shops electronic platform.

– The merchant agrees that if he violates this article “the merchant’s legal capacity,” he will bear the

consequences of this violation before consumers, users or others, as the Dropship platform has nothing

to do with the merchant’s dealings with the consumer or third parties in terms of legal, legal and legal

terms, and the Dropship platform has the right In this case, the merchant will be held accountable under

the provisions of contractual liability, and demanded to compensate for the damages that may arise as a

result of this violation, and such damages affect the reputation of the Dropship platform before other

merchants, consumers, users or others.

General Terms

– The merchant declares that he is of sound capacity and that he is not affected by any of the symptoms

of eligibility.

– In the event that the merchant registers as an institution or company, or any other legal form, then this

institution, company or the legal form registered through it must have the legal, legal and legal capacity

necessary to carry out trade through the Dropship Shops electronic platform.

– The merchant agrees that if he violates this article “the merchant’s legal capacity,” he will bear the

consequences of this violation before consumers, users or others, as the Dropship platform has nothing

to do with the merchant’s dealings with the consumer or third parties in terms of legal, legal and legal

terms, and the Dropship platform has the right In this case, the merchant will be held accountable under

the provisions of contractual liability, and demanded to compensate for the damages that may arise as a

result of this violation, and such damages affect the reputation of the Dropship platform before other

merchants, consumers, users or others.

G- You undertake and agree to

fully comply with all applicable laws and any other contractual terms which govern your use of the

Dropship Services (and any related interaction or transaction), including those specific laws applicable to

you or your End Users in any of your geographical locations;

be solely responsible and liable with respect to any of the uses of the Dropship Services which occur

under your User Account and/or User Platform(s), and for any of your User Content (including for any

consequences of accessing, importing, uploading, copying, using or publishing such User Content on or

with respect to the Dropship Services);

regularly and independently save and backup any of your User Content and the information that is being

processed by you regarding your User Platform, including with respect to End Users, User Products, and

any applications and/or Third Party Services used by you;

receive from time to time promotional messages and materials from Dropship or its partners, by mail, e-

mail or any other contact form you may provide us with (including your phone number for calls or text

messages). If you wish not to receive such promotional materials or notices – please just notify us at any


allow Dropship to use in perpetuity, worldwide and free of charge, any version of your User Platform (or

any part thereof) for any of Dropship’s marketing and promotional activities, online and/or offline, and

modify it as reasonably required for such purposes, and you waive any claims against Dropship or

anyone on its behalf relating to any past, present or future moral rights, artists’ rights, or any other

similar rights worldwide that you may have in or to your User Platform with respect to such limited

permitted uses;

Dropship’s sole discretion as to the means, manner, and method for performing the Dropship Services,

including those regarding the hosting, transmission, publication and/or display of any User Platforms

and/or Content (including the inclusion and presentation of any advertisements or other commercial

content with respect thereto).

Dropship shall have the right to offer the Dropship Services in alternative price plans and impose

different restrictions as for the upload, storage, download and use of the Dropship Services in each price

plan, including, without limitation, restrictions on network traffic and bandwidth, size and/or length of

Content, quality and/or format of Content, sources of Content, volume of download time, number of

subscribers to your Content, etc.

H- You agree and undertake not to

copy, modify, create derivative works of, download, adapt, reverse engineer, emulate, migrate to another

service, translate, compile, decompile or disassemble the Dropship Website, the Dropship Services (or

any part thereof), any Content offered by Dropship or Third Party Services for use and display within

User Platforms (“Licensed Content”) and/or any part thereof in any way, or publicly display, perform,

transmit or distribute any of the foregoing without Dropship’s prior written and specific consent and/or

as expressly permitted under the Dropship Terms;

submit, transmit or display any User Content, or use Licensed Content in a context, which may be

deemed as defamatory, libelous, obscene, harassing, threatening, incendiary, abusive, racist, offensive,

deceptive or fraudulent, encouraging criminal or harmful conduct, or which otherwise violates the rights

of Dropship or any third party (including any intellectual property rights, privacy rights, contractual or

fiduciary rights), or otherwise shows any person, entity or brand in a bad or disparaging light, without

their prior explicit approval;

use any illegal action to collect login data and/or passwords for other websites, third parties, software or


phish, collect, upload, or otherwise make available credit card information or other forms of financial

data used for collecting payments, unless done in accordance with any applicable law, including, with the

PCI DSS standard when applicable;

upload, insert, collect or otherwise make available within the Dropship Website or the Dropship Services

(or any part thereof), any malicious, unlawful, defamatory or obscene Content;

publish and/or make any use of the Dropship Services or Licensed Content on any website, media,

network or system other than those provided by Dropship, and/or frame, “deep link”, “page scrape”,

mirror and/or create a browser or border environment around any of the Dropship Services, Licensed

Content and/or User Platform (or any part thereof), except as expressly permitted by Dropship, in

advance and in writing;

use any “robot”, “spider” or other automatic device, program, script, algorithm, or methodology, or any

similar or equivalent manual process, to access, acquire, copy, or monitor any portion of the Dropship

Services (or its data and/or Content), or in any way reproduce or circumvent the navigational structure or

presentation of any of the Dropship Services to obtain or attempt to obtain any materials, documents,

services or information through any means not purposely made available through the Dropship Services;

act in a manner which might be perceived as damaging to Dropship’s reputation and goodwill or which

may bring Dropship into disrepute or harm;

purchase search engine or other pay per click keywords (such as Google AdWords), or domain names

that use Dropship or Dropship Marks and/or variations and misspellings thereof;

impersonate any person or entity or provide false information on the Dropship Services and/or User

Platform, whether directly or indirectly, or otherwise perform any manipulation in order to disguise your

identity or the origin of any message or transmittal you send to Dropship and/or any End Users;

falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with any person or entity, or falsely express or

imply that Dropship or any third party endorses you, your User Platform, your business, your User

Products, or any statement you make;

reverse look-up, trace, or seek to trace another User of Dropship Services, or otherwise interfere with or

violate any other User’s right to privacy or other rights, or harvest or collect personally identifiable

information about visitors or users of the Dropship Services and/or User Platform without their express

and informed consent;

disable, circumvent, bypass or otherwise avoid any measures used to prevent or restrict access to the

Dropship Services, User Platform, the account of another User(s), or any other systems or networks

connected to the Dropship Services, by hacking, password mining, or other illegitimate or prohibited


probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of the Dropship Services or any network connected to the Dropship


upload to the Dropship Services and/or User Platform or otherwise use them to design, develop,

distribute and/or otherwise transmit or execute, any virus, worm, Trojan Horse, time bomb, web bug,

spyware, malware, or any other computer code, file, or program that may or is intended to damage or

hijack the operation of any hardware, software, or telecommunications equipment, or any other actually

or potentially harmful, disruptive, or invasive code or component;

take any action that imposes an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on the infrastructure of

the Dropship Services or Dropship’s systems or networks connected to the Dropship Services, or

otherwise interfere with or disrupt the operation of any of the Dropship Services, or the servers or

networks that host them or make them available, or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies, or

regulations of such servers or networks;

use any of the Dropship Services and/or User Platform in connection with any form of spam, unsolicited

mail, fraud, scam, phishing, “chain letters”, “pyramid schemes” or similar conduct, or otherwise engage

in unethical marketing or advertising;

use the Dropship Services for the creation and operation of websites whose main purpose (directly or

indirectly) is video streaming;

access to Dropship Services, User Accounts, Licensed Content and/or User Content, through any means

or technology (e.g. scraping and crawling), other than our publicly supported interfaces.

sell, license, or exploit for any commercial purposes any use of or access to the Licensed Content and/or

Dropship Services, except as expressly permitted by the Dropship Terms;

remove or alter any copyright notices, watermarks, restrictions and signs indicating proprietary rights of

any of our licensors, including copyright mark [©], Creative Commons [(cc)] indicators, or trademarks [®

or TM] contained in or accompanying the Dropship Services and/or Licensed Content; or

violate, attempt to violate, or otherwise fail to comply with any of the Dropship Terms or any laws or

requirements applicable to your use of the Dropship Services.

access or use the Services for benchmarking or similar competitive analysis purposes or in order to build

a competitive product or service.

Service Fees

1.4. Paid Services

The use of certain Dropship Services may be subject to payment of particular fees, as determined by

Dropship in its sole discretion (“Paid Services” and “Fee(s)”, respectively). Dropship will provide notice of

such Fees then in effect in relation to such Paid Services. If you wish to receive or use such Paid Services,

you are required to pay all applicable Fees in advance.

Dropship reserves the right to change its Fees at any time, upon notice to you if such change may affect

your existing subscriptions. If you received a discount or other promotional offer, Dropship shall have the

right to automatically and without notice renew your subscription to such Dropship Service(s) at the full

applicable Fee.

All Fees shall be deemed to be in Saudi Riyals, except as specifically stated otherwise in writing by

Dropship. To the extent permitted by law (and unless specified otherwise by Dropship in writing), all Fees

are exclusive of all taxes (including value added tax, sales tax, goods and services tax, etc.), levies or

duties imposed by taxing authorities (“Taxes”), and you shall be responsible for payment of all applicable

Taxes relating to your use of the Dropship Services, or to any payments or purchases made by you. If

Dropship is obligated to collect or pay Taxes for the Fees payable by you, and whether or not such Taxes

were added and collected from you for previous transactions, such Taxes may be added to the payment

of any outstanding Fees and will be reflected in the Invoice for such transaction. We recommend that

you verify the existence of any additional fees you may be charged by third parties in connection with

the purchase of Paid Services or in connection with the renewal thereof (such as international

transaction fees, currency exchange fees or fees due to banks or credit card companies). Dropship is not

responsible for any such additional fees or costs.

As part of registering or submitting information to receive Paid Services, you also authorize Dropship

(either directly or through its affiliates, subsidiaries or other third parties) to request and collect payment

and service fees (or otherwise charge, refund or take any other billing actions) from our payment

provider or your designated banking account, and to make any inquiries Dropship or its affiliates may

consider necessary to validate your designated payment account or financial information, in order to

ensure prompt payment, including for the purpose of receiving updated payment details from your

payment, credit card or banking account provider (e.g., updated expiry date or card number as may be

provided to us by your credit card company).

You must keep a credit card stored with Dropship to pay for your Paid Services (“Stored Card”). You will

be able to identify your Stored Card by its last four digits as in your Account Settings Page.

2.4. Invoices

Dropship and/or its affiliated companies will issue an invoice or credit memo for any payment of Fees or

refund made to or by Dropship (“Invoice”). Each Invoice will be issued in electronic form and based on

the country stated in your billing address, and will be made available to you via your User Account

and/or by e-mail. For the purpose of issuing the Invoice, you may be required to furnish certain Personal

Information (as such term is defined in the Privacy Policy) in order to comply with local laws. Please note

that the Invoice presented in your User Account may be inadequate with your local law requirements,

and in such case may be used for pro forma purposes only.

3.4. Return and Refund Service Fee

All of our services are prepaid and we do not accept refunds or returns once you have confirmed the

purchase of any of our services or other services linked to our site, and the purchase amounts have been

deducted for any transaction you have made, you agree that the sales are final and there is no refund for

any payments.

4.4. Amendments to the Agreement and Fees

– You know and agree that dropshipsa will notify you of any modification to this Agreement, whereby

your obligations will be multiplied or your rights diminished in accordance with any modifications that

may be made to this User Agreement.

– You agree that the Dropship platform has full authority and without bearing any legal responsibility to

make any basic or subsidiary amendments to this agreement, and users will be notified about this

amendment by any technical means provided, and this may be by e-mail or by broadcasting a public

message to all Users, and the dropshipsa platform provides technical means to show the store’s

acceptance of this modification, and this acceptance is legal and due diligence and binding on the store

to the provisions of the agreement, including the amendments.

– In the event of an objection to any amendment to the use agreement, this may be an obstacle to

accessing the store, as to benefit from the services of the Dropship platform, you must agree to this

agreement and any amendment that occurs to it, and therefore in the event that the amendment is not

accepted, the Dropship platform hopes you to stop Using its services Whereas, just accessing your

account on the Dropship platform or using the Dropship platform constitutes your acceptance of the

amendments and your full, complete and unaware consent.

– All fees are calculated in Saudi riyals, and the merchant must pay all fees due on the platform in

addition to any other expenses added by the Dropship platform, provided that payment is made by the

approved and specified means available through the Dropship platform.

– Not all Dropship platform packages and offers are free for merchants or stores as some of these

packages and offers are subject to varying fees.

– Dropship may charge merchants or merchants fees depending on the offers or packages they join or

the policies they use.

– The Dropship platform reserves the right to add, increase, reduce or deduct any fees or expenses

under the rules and provisions of the use agreement, to any of the users for whatever reason for their



2.1. Cancellation by User

You may discontinue to use and request to cancel your User Account and/or any Dropship Services at any

time, in accordance with the instructions available on the Dropship Services. The effective date and time

for such cancellation shall be the date and time on which you have completed the cancellation process

on the Dropship Services, and the effective date for cancellation of Paid Services shall be at the end of

such Paid Services’ subscription period.

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the foregoing, with respect to subscriptions to Renewing

Paid Services, such subscription will be discontinued only upon the expiration of the respective period

for which you have already made payment. Please note that as the cancellation process may take a few

days, in order to avoid the next automatic renewal and respective charge the cancellation request should

be made at least fourteen (14) days prior to the expiration of the then-current service period.

2.2. Cancellation by Dropship

Failure to comply with any of the Dropship Terms and/or to pay any due Fee shall entitle Dropship to

suspend (until full payment is made) or cancel your User Account and User Platform (or certain features

thereof), as well as the provision of any related Dropship Services (e.g., Paid Services) or Third Party

Services to you.

2.3. Loss of Data, Content and Capacity

If your User Account or any Dropship Services or Third Party Services related to your User Account are

cancelled (whether at your request or at Dropship’s discretion), it may cause or result in the loss of

certain content, features, or capacity of your User Account, including any User Content, End User data or

other usage data retained therein, and including any domain name reservation or registration that was

included in such Services (“Capacity Loss”). Dropship shall not be liable in any way for such Capacity Loss,

or for saving a backup of your User Account, User Content or End User data. Please also note that

additional Fees may apply to re-activation of a User Account and/or any Dropship Services following

their cancellation, as determined by Dropship in its sole discretion.

Commitment to the Dropship platform

– The mission of the Dropship platform is merely to provide electronic support tools, by establishing the

store, as the commitment of the Dropship platform under this agreement is only to create the

merchant’s online store at the Dropship electronic platform, and to put the store in front of the users.

– The Dropship platform is not obligated to complete the sale of products or services between the

consumer and the store, as its commitment ends with providing the services of creating the online store

through the Dropship platform, and this does not harm the other services that the Fathshops platform

continues to provide, such as guidance, technical support, marketing and payment methods.

– All transactions that take place between the merchant and the consumer have nothing to do with the

person of the Dropship platform, and the Dropship platform is not responsible for it, as this transaction is

an independent contractual relationship subject to the agreement concluded between the merchant and

the consumer. Accordingly, if the consumer fails to pay the price of the service or product provided by

the merchant, the Dropship platform has nothing to do with these violations.

– You know that the Dropship platform is a technical electronic platform on the Internet that allows the

merchant who agrees to this agreement to establish his online store, and to practice his activity through

the store, and its mission ends at this point. There is no responsibility on the Dropship platform for the

violations committed by the merchant in his store in violation of the provisions of this agreement, and

the Dropship platform has no relationship with the transactions that take place between the merchant

and the consumer.

The commitment of the subscriber to the platform

Once you apply for membership in the Dropship platform or request to establish the online store, you

are required to disclose specific information and choose a user name and a secret password to use when

accessing the services of the Dropship platform. After activating your account, you will become a user of

the services of the Dropship platform, and you have agreed to:

– To be responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account information and the

confidentiality of the password, and thus agree to inform the Dropship Shops platform immediately of

any unauthorized use of your account information at the Brothers Shops platform or any other breach of

your confidential information.

– Under no circumstances will the Dropship platform be responsible for any loss that you may incur

directly or indirectly, moral or material as a result of disclosing user name or login information, or in the

event of misuse of the store.

– You are obligated to use your online store yourself, as you are fully responsible for it, and if someone

else uses it, this means that you have authorized it to use the store in your name and for your account

unless the store informs the management of Dropship to the contrary.

– When using the Dropship platform, you are obligated to use it with all seriousness and credibility, to

abide by the rules and provisions of the use agreement and to abide by the legal and legal controls in

force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and you are obligated to compensate the Dropship platform for

any direct or indirect losses that may be incurred by the Dropship platform as a result of any use Illegal,

unreal or unauthorized for your account by you or by any other person who obtained the keys to access

your account on the platform, whether it was to perform services using your username and password, or

as a result of your negligence to maintain the confidentiality of your user name and password, whether

with or without authorization from you .

– You are obligated to disclose true, correct, updated, complete and legal information about yourself as

required during registration with the Dropship platform and you are obligated to update your data in the

event that it has changed in reality or in the event of the need to do so.

– Not to put in your store anything that indicates any direct or indirect relationship between the store

and the Dropship platform, its management, owners or employees, as the Dropship platform has nothing

to do with what you do in your store and is not responsible for the activity of your store.

– You will be obligated to maintain and always update the registration data to keep it real, correct,

current, complete and legal, and if you disclose information that is not true, incorrect, not current,

incomplete, illegal or contrary to what is stated in the use agreement, the dropshipsa platform has the

right to Suspend, freeze, or cancel your membership, store and account on the platform, without

prejudice to the rights of the other Dropship platform and its legitimate means to recover their rights

and protect other users.

– In the event of non-compliance with any of the above, the management of the Dropship platform has

the right to suspend or cancel your store or membership or block you from accessing the services of the

Dropship platform again. It also reserves the right to cancel any unconfirmed and unverified accounts or

transactions or accounts that have been inactive for a long period of time.

M- Payment and payment services for stores in the Dropship platform:

– The Dropship platform, through its partners, provides the payment and payment system in the

Dropship platform, which can be done entirely online through the payment options available on the

Dropship platform or through any payment method provided by the Dropship platform from time to


– There is no relation of the Dropship platform to the method of payment upon receipt, as this method

of payment is subject to the relationship between the consumer, the merchant and the service provider.

– The Dropship platform may, at any time and under any circumstances, require that payments be made

directly between the merchant and the consumer, and through their own bank accounts, and there is no

relationship at that time to the Dropship platform.

– The provision of the Dropship platform for online payment service through the platform is for the

purpose of facilitating and preserving the rights of merchants and stores.

– The merchant is obligated to determine the price of the service or goods that he displays in his store

according to the generally accepted market value, and the Dropship platform has no connection in any

way to the misestimation of the cost of the products or services displayed in the stores on the Dropship

platform, as its estimation in the commercially recognized form is a real commitment on the merchant.

– The merchant is obligated to provide invoices, receipt vouchers, and receipt vouchers for all amounts

and profits that arise in his store, and he is obligated to indicate in all these invoices the type of goods or

service, their quantities, descriptions and value. In this regulation there are legal, economic and

commercial interests of the merchants, and in case the merchant violates the provisions of this clause,

he is responsible for any damages that may arise as a result of this violation.

– The Dropship platform has the right to prevent the completion of any payment process in violation of

the rules and provisions of the use agreement, or to cancel any purchase or sale order as a result of a

technical or technical error in the platform that led to a difference in the prices displayed on the platform

from the market value of the product, including a loss for the Dropship platform. Dropship is responsible

for those amounts.

– The management of the Dropship platform has the right to cancel, modify or change any of the

payment methods that it has made available on the Dropship platform.

N- Third Party Services

The Dropship Services enable you to engage and procure certain third party services, products and tools

for enhancing your User Platform and your overall user experience, including, without limitation, domain

registrars from which you may purchase a domain name for your User Website, third party applications

and widgets offered via the Dropship Website (including the Dropship App Market), third party Licensed

Content, media distribution services, E-Commerce Payment Providers, sellers of tangible products, third

party designers who may assist you with your User Platform, etc. (collectively, “Third Party Services”).

You acknowledge and agree that regardless of the manner in which such Third Party Services may be

offered to you (bundled or integrated within certain Dropship Services, offered separately by Dropship or

persons certified or authorized by Dropship, or otherwise offered anywhere on the Dropship Services),

Dropship merely acts as an intermediary platform between you and such Third Party Services, and does

not in any way endorse any such Third Party Services, or shall be in any way responsible or liable with

respect thereto. Dropship will not be a party to, or in any way be responsible for monitoring, any

interaction or transaction between you and any Third party Services.

You acknowledge that such services may require the payment of additional amounts to Dropship and/or

to the providers of such Third-Party Services.

Any and all use of such Third Party Services shall be done solely at your own risk and responsibility, and

may be subject to such legal and financial terms which govern such Third Party Services, which you are

encouraged to review before engaging with them.

If you use third parties’ services, software or goods while using our Services, you declare that you act in

compliance with their terms of use. For example, if you use YouTube while using the Services, you must

comply with the applicable YouTube terms and its privacy policy as in the effective version as of the date

of use of such services.

While we hope to avoid such instances, Dropship may, at any time and at its sole discretion, suspend,

disable access to or remove from your User Account, User Platform(s) and/or the Dropship Services, any

Third Party Services – whether or not incorporated with or made part of your User Account and/or User

Platform(s) at such time – without any liability to you or to any End Users.

O- Misconduct and Abuse

When using the Dropship Services, you may be exposed to User Platforms, User Content or Third Party

Services from a variety of sources, which may be inaccurate, offensive, objectionable or illegal. You

hereby waive any legal or equitable rights or remedies you have or may have against Dropship with

respect thereto.

If you believe a User or any Third Party Services acted inappropriately or otherwise misused any of the

Dropship Services, please immediately report such User and/or Third Party Service to us via You agree

that your report shall not impose any responsibility or liability upon Dropship, and that Dropship may

consider such report and act upon it, refrain from taking any such action or require additional

information or documents before doing so, at its sole discretion.

P- Your personal information and transaction details information:

– You have no objection to granting the Dropship platform an unlimited, global, permanent and

irrevocable right, exempt from expenses, and licensed to use information or personal materials or

otherwise provided or provided by the platform or announced on the platform by joining it or

establishing your store, This is done through the forms designated for communication and registration,

or via any email or any of the communication channels available on the platform. In order to achieve any

of the interests that the platform deems appropriate.

– You are solely responsible for the information you send or publish, and the role of the Dropship

platform is to allow you to display this information through the Dropship platform and through its

advertising channels.

– The confidentiality of the information of stores and merchants is subject to the rules of the “Privacy

Policy and Confidentiality of Information” of the dropshipsa platform.

Q- The merchant’s pledge to abide by the laws and regulations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

– The merchant undertakes to abide by all the laws and regulations in force in the Kingdom of Saudi

Arabia regarding its products and/and while using the Dropship platform, as well as the applicable laws,

terms and conditions regulating the use of the Internet, the usage agreement, the privacy policy and

confidentiality of information applicable to the Dropship platform.

– In the event that any of the merchants violates what is stated in Article Ten, he acknowledges the right

of the Dropship platform to take any of the following actions, including but not limited to: alerting,

stopping the service and closing the store, returning any outstanding amounts in electronic payments to


R- Notices

We may provide you with notices in any of the following methods: (1) via the Dropship Services,

including by a banner or pop-up within the Dropship Website, User Account or elsewhere; (2) by e-mail,

sent to the e-mail address you provided us; and/or (3) through any other means, including any phone

number or physical address you provided us. Dropship’s notice to you will be deemed received and

effective within twenty four (24) hours after it was published or sent through any of the foregoing

methods, unless otherwise indicated in the notice.

S – Entire Agreement

These Terms of Use, together with the Dropship Terms and any other legal or fee notices provided to you

by Dropship, shall constitute the entire agreement between you and Dropship concerning the subject

matter hereof or thereof, and supersede any and all prior or contemporaneous agreements,

understandings, promises, conditions, negotiations, covenants or representations, whether written or

oral, between Dropship and you, including those made by or between any of our respective

representatives, with respect to any of the Dropship Services. You further agree that you are not relying

upon any promise, inducement, representation, statement, disclosure or duty of disclosure of Dropship

in entering into any of the Dropship Terms.

T- Customer Service Contact

To get in touch with our Customer Service – please use any of the options listed below:

Go to Dropship Help Center which is available at:


Send an email message to: [email protected]

Thanks For Choosing Dropship !

آخر تحديث منذ: 22 أكتوبر, 2024